According to Astrology Mars or Mangal is the planet of strength, courage, power and aggression. According to astrology Mars is seen as a cruel planet. In terms of Marriage the position of Mars is most importance as it signifies passion, marital knot, husband, sex etc. Planet Mangal is known for positively or negatively affecting the chances of Marriage. As per astrology, the placement of Mars in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house from ascendant, Moon and Venus results in the Manglik Dosha.

Mangalnath Mandir, Ujjain
Mangalnath Temple is a highly revered temple situated in Ujjain District, Madhya Pradesh. As per the Matsya Purana, Mangalnath is considered to be the birthplace of Mars. The presiding deity is Lord Shiva. Mangalnath Temple which looks upon the vast expanses of the Shipra River, offers an indescribable sense of peace to the tourists. In ancient times, the place Mangalnath was famous for a clear view of the planet and hence is a suitable place for astronomical studies. That's why most people like to do Mangal Yog Nivaran Puja Ujjain.
Mangal Puja
Puja means worship, devotion and reverence. Puja is believed to be derived from the word 'pu-chey',or worship. The term puja is now used to include all forms of worship, ranging from the simple daily offerings of flowers, rice, sweetmeats, fruit, leaves, and water to the deities in homes or temples, to the sacrifices in temples dedicated to Kali, Durga and other female deities. There are three kinds of pujas: "Dhirdha", "Madhya" & "Laghu". Puja ritual of idols of God has become in recent times a great faith and belief in Hindu Religion. And people do Mangal Bhat Puja in Ujjain to get remedies from this dosha.