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The Characteristics of Mangal Dosha


So much has been said and written for Mangal Dosha which is defined as astrological dosha. In Sanskrit, Mangal is referred to as Mars. Mangal Dosh arises when the fiery planet Mars sits in any one of the six houses, in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses of a person's horoscope chart.

You can get free from this dosha by doing mangal bhat puja Ujjain. If you are unaware of the characteristics and side effects of Mangal Dosh then you must read the following information to increase your knowledge about it.

Mangal Dosha can be characterized by various characteristics, some of which are listed below:

  1. Men and women both can have mangal dosh

  2. One who suffers from this dosha has a hot tempered or aggressive nature and it can symbolize willpower and confidence.

  3. Mangal dosha causes a delay in one's marriage.

  4. In some cases the Mangliks are victimized in marriage.

  5. Mangal Dosha creates negativity in one’s mind which leads to argument, conflict, dominion, intolerance, competition and finally disaster.

  6. The consequences of marriage between two Manglika's are also negative.

  7. It also affects mentally which causes tension and discord in the marriage.

  8. Also some people believed that those who misbehaved with their partner in the previous birth will have this dosha.

These are the characteristics of mangal dosha, and there are so many ways to reduce its effects on one’s kundali, like mangalnath puja Ujjain.


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